Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Strangers Stopping Strangers

... just to shake their hands. That was the first lesson I taught my pickles this first quarter of Speech and Drama. That's right. The fine art of a firm handshake, direct eye contact and learning one of three phrases to master: "Nice to meet you"; "Nice to see you"; and of course, "How do you do?" with the appropriate response.

Not because my students don't have class... oh, they have class. They operate with dignity and respect within their own spheres. What don't know how to express it. The words, customs and phrases they lack is what teach. The same phrases/behaviors I taught my own son. Because the reality is: good manners will take you everywhere. First impressions count. Meeting one's eye and a firm handshake imply your ability to succeed and conduct your sophistication in "polite" society. Not that it is superior to other forms of greeting. Every culture has its own customs of greeting. However, there are socio-economic disparities in every culture in every culture and the upper eulachon of those said cultures all share common etiquette. Those are the skills I strive to impart upon my darling pickles for the most easily attainable behaviors that will, after practice will become rote.

Every morning, I stand hall-duty near the breakfast line. I have always expressed how much I love "duty"... especially morning duty since I am an early-teacher vs. an afternoon-teacher. Whenever one of my pickles approaches, I extend my hand for that shake/greeting and they already respond in kind. What a wonderful way to launch the day. Perfect instructional strategy of repetition breeds mastery without tedium of rote recitation.

And... it just makes my whole day to greet them. They inspire me every moment of every day.

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