Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Teacher Blues

Okay, I have to sprinkle a lil cynicism into this blog or you will think I'm full of .... well, full of it. Teachers get crabby, too. We have bad days. We get headaches. Tired. Short-tempered and even say regretful things at times. At the very bitter end of today, I actually said to a student when she approached me, "If this is an 'I' statement, I don't want to hear it. Seriously. I have a blinding headache." Bad teacher. Bad, bad, bad. I will, of course, apologize to the poor child (even though she does tend to be a bit narcisstic). Sorry, folks. But, it's true. SOME "gifted and talented" children do lean toward the side of narcissism. However, most of the time... I just shake my head and smile. They're young. They're just kids. They'll learn. Today, though... it got the best of me.

Another thing that just got to me today? The Bully Teachers. These teachers exist in every school I have ever taught. They're everywhere. The trick? To avoid them at all costs. It's one of the main reasons I always advise my student teachers to stay OUT of the "teacher lounges". Because Bullies only exist in groups. It's what we teach our students... they are too cowardly to stand alone, so they inevitably surround themselves with a group of like-minded crabby McCrabbies. Negativity breeds negativity. It's contagious.

When I was a first-year teacher, wizened old Ms. Bell who only came in to teach to "earn her gambling money, honey" told me: "Listen to me. Don't you go listening to hateful teachers around here. I've heard you from next door and honey, you are TEACHING these children. There will be teachers that will hate on you because you're young, beautiful and have a pep to your step. Stay away from them and keep on keepin' on. These youngsters need teachers like you. Don't you ever let others try to drag you down."

Twenty years later and Ms. Bell... I still listen to you. I do have a natural energy. I might be a little more chubby than I once was, but I still pay attention to fashion and just do this weird thing called TEACHING. I put my heart and soul into my work and love all over my students. So, Bully Teachers can keep on doing what they do... I steer clear, clear, clear. I will NOT apologize for having a good attitude and grateful to do what I've been called to do in life. Teach!

But, today, a suffered from a horrible headache. My feet hurt from these stupid new stylie shoes. I was hungry and tired. My eyes were blurry from reading too many student papers in a row. I let the blues drag me downdowndown as I left the building. I cried a little on the drive home. I climbed into my bed and rested for an hour (after I took two aspirin). I let myself feel sorry and sad and beaten down.

Because like every ordinary human being... I got the blues.

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